1. ratings_cal_zoom

Actual Rating Calculation of the Zoom Cloud Meetings App using User Reviews on Google Play Store with Sentiment Annotation of BERT and Hybridization of RNN and LSTM

sentiment-analysis rnn-lstm bert-embeddings googleplaystore ratings-app

BERT-based senti- ment annotation is used to create unbiased datasets and then hybridize RNN with LSTM to find calculated ratings based on this unbiased reviews dataset.

2. iTrustBD

Study and Analysis of the BTC-Alpha Network to Identify Influence of Trust Behavior Dynamics

network-science graph-theory heuristics network-analysis sis-model voter-model btc-alpha behavior-spread bilingual-model

Study and analyze the BTC-Alpha network to identify influence of trust behavior dynamics on bitcoin-based cryptocurrency. Also, analyze how the roles of important individuals with the network contribute to the dynamics of cryptocurrency networks, particularly with regard to the privacy and network security.

3. mh_opt_tl_covid19

Genetic optimization of deep CNN based transfer learning for COVID-19 identification from radiography chest X-Rays

metaheuristic genetic-optimization heuristics deep-learning transfer-learning

This repository includes a meta-heuristics approach to optimize transfer learning based deep cnn model (primarily vgg16) for low uncertainty in covid-19 identification using x-ray images.